We have a range of quality products that we endorse. Don’t see it here? Please ask us, we will be happy to help.
AV Receivers and Amplifiers
TV Projection and Display
Control and Lighting
Cables and Data
The brands, products and manufacturers shown on this site are not necessarily directly affiliated with Avid Audio Visual and may/may not represent or support the views, opinions or information portrayed in this site. Organisations and their products are shown for promotional and informational purposes intended for illustration only. Their application, installation and use is subject to consumer laws in this country, dealer and user agreements set by the manufacturer, distributors and their agents. We seek only to provide quality sound system installation using quality AV cables. Avid Audio Visual only sells genuine authorised products and supports all user, license agreements. If any party feels we are in breach of any of the above here mentioned please contact the admin of this site.